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First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy - What It Feels and Looks Like

Talking nigh the first 20 weeks of pregnancy for a first time mom.  Symptoms, Mood, Weight, Ultrasound Pics, Medico Visits and more than discussed!

twenty Weeks Pregnant

I wasn't sure if I was going to brand these types of posts.  And then I got to thinking more most information technology and felt it would be fun to look back on one twenty-four hours.  Instead of documenting every 1 or 2 weeks, I'chiliad doing Weeks 1-xx… and then probably 20-xxx and then 30-40, or something like that.  I guess time will tell as I'g facing new experiences.

20 Weeks Pregnant

Did I have pregnancy symptoms before knowing we were pregnant?
One thing I noticed is that when you are trying to get pregnant you think everything is a symptom, especially when the Internet tells yous that every way you lot are feeling could be a sign of pregnancy.   I had a small line of claret i day, it didn't exactly await like what Google image tells me that implantation haemorrhage would await like (yes, I looked upward pictures).  What I wrote in my journal is: "Slightly nauseous, not overbearing simply very subtle gaggy.  Also feeling a petty cramping, different feeling than the usual period, more "pulling" feeling if that makes sense at all.  I judge it does make sense though because Google tells me that correct at present that "the ball of cells that will become your babe is burrowing into your uterine lining.""   And then those were my "perchance pregnant" symptoms.

And then at present that you guys know my full cycle and dates  (nosotros're friends here so it'due south cool with me) we can talk about what'south happening.

Me and Babe Girl (5 weeks onetime) voting. It didn't go equally planned but I can tell her that she was with me when I voted for the first woman on the Presidential ballot in history.

First xx Weeks Pregnancy Symptoms

Then here'due south where the mail service might become a little boring because I haven't actually had whatever symptoms.  It got to the point midway through where I got scared that I wasn't feeling annihilation.  A ultrasound made my worries go away that everything was in fact ok and information technology was totally normal that I wasn't having whatever symptoms.  I got actually lucky and didn't accept morn sickness at all, I didn't throw up (still oasis't) once while being significant.  I didn't take any nutrient aversions or smells that made me gag.  Once more, I was fortunate considering I know so many ladies become through this and it sounds horrible.

A gift from Matthew.

One of the earliest symptoms I experienced was a sudden feeling of beingness out of breath rapidly.  This started at around Calendar week nine.   My walks around the city would quickly change my animate and crusade me to walk slower.    I wasn't huffing or puffing but I could definitely experience a change in how I was breathing.   Too at night the hot water in the shower acquired a alter in my breath and caused me to go tired pretty quickly.  At that place were a few nights where I got out of the shower, sat on the toilet for a few minutes to gain energy back and so request (nicely) that Matthew come blow dry my pilus for me.

I had a few mood swings, more often than not they came when I was hungry which quickly lead to grumpiness (like the Snickers commercial).  I had 1 not then proud episode of throwing a deli sandwich at Matthew in the car Upstate when he said something to me that I didn't like.  After throwing the sandwich, I cried dramatically for nigh 30 minutes while rolling down my window during freezing temperatures while we drove back to NYC.   About an hour later Matthew stopped and bought me a grilled cheese sandwich and french fries and I stopped crying and started talking again.   It was one of those moments where I am non extremely proud of it, just information technology'due south extremely memorable in what happens when a woman is hormonal and hungry.

I desire to give a shout out to prenatal yoga, I've been going 2-3 times a week since Calendar week 14.  Information technology's really fabricated me feel practiced, has helped my flexibility and just gives me fourth dimension to connect to baby while hearing about what other expecting Moms are going through.  I would highly recommend prenatal yoga if yous're expecting.  NYC ladies, here's where I become.

xx Weeks Significant Move

I started to feel the babe around Week 18/Week xix.  Information technology commencement started with the littlest kicks.  When it first started happening I would grab Matthew and say "I recall that'southward a kicking!".  It was pretty amazing to finally be able to feel her move.  As a commencement fourth dimension Mom I call up I was on the earlier side of feeling her move only without symptoms information technology made me experience a lot better knowing I could finally feel her and know she was ok.

I judge I wasn't completely lucky and so far because at around Week 18 I started to get Braxton Hicks contractions.  Many women don't get these until their 3rd trimester only I got them early on.  I got the first ane when I woke up 1 morning and my stomach turned into a rock hard ball for about a minute.  I had no thought what was happening and thought maybe it was the baby.  My Doctor confirmed it was Braxon Hicks and that it was totally ok that I was getting them early – in fact it was practiced considering my trunk was just getting set up for delivery.   I get one most i-iii times a solar day.   It's also fun to grab your partner'due south hand and place it on your belly during a Braxton Hick wrinkle then y'all can watch their reaction when they feel how hard information technology is.

Hungry and xx Weeks Significant

I was definitely more hungry in the first 20 weeks.   My childhood honey of Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli came back and I seriously have it at to the lowest degree 5 times a week for lunch (I buy it in majority!).   What's a daughter got to do to become a Chef Boyardee sponsorship? Around Week 12 I was really into grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles, preferably made for me at midnight while in bed.   I've ever loved grilled peanut butter and pickles sandwiches but I craved it more during this time.

I found myself wanting Apples and applesauce more often – especially for breakfast.  I am not a big breakfast eater so I've been relying on applesauce to become something in my belly when I don't really want to eat.  I also want to consume donuts every single day simply endeavour to limit myself to 1-2 a week (it'southward a cruel earth).


Weight Gained 20 Pounds Pregnant

In the kickoff 20 weeks I gained vii.viii pounds.   My calibration automatically uploads my weight into a nautical chart then hither you go – you should ignore the big jumps because those are when I counterbalance my cats (lol) under my account.
first 20 weeks gained

What 20 Weeks Pregnant Looks Like

And in pictures… I know the final picture is past Week xx simply it'southward all I have.  I started with wanting to certificate every calendar week but I quickly got over that.
What 20 Weeks Pregnant Looks Like

I haven't noticed any meaning trunk changes except that my belly is getting bigger, as well as my boobs.  I guess those are significant though, eh?    I detect pants annoying to article of clothing, even leggings, and then I started to wear them under my belly instead of over it.  I want to try to get in as long equally possible without having to buy "maternity" anything (fifty-fifty though I did buy a BellaBand and then I could go along wearing jeans occasionally).  Weirdly enough I'm probably the most confident I've been with my body in a really long time.  At that place's something about a growing belly that has me wanting to clothing more than grade plumbing equipment dresses to show off my girl.

Acne sucks.  I've had real ups and downs with acne in my life merely throw in hormones, pregnancy and basically no acne products to safely use and yous have a mess on your hands.  In the beginning I broke out pretty desperately, and I wasn't feeling so cracking almost myself, but I finally plant a routine that works and my peel is clearing up (knock on wood).   I'chiliad going to do a whole post on this eventually, just give me some time because information technology's a emotional subject.

Physician Appointments
Calendar week 9 – This is the earliest my Doctor will see patients to confirm pregnancy.  Nosotros confirmed that yes, we are pregnant! We got to see the infant in a ultrasound.  I also got some very pricey blood tests done for a family unit prep screen.  (Moving picture OF ULTRASOUND)
Week xiii – Got ultrasound and NT scan (nuchal translucency) done. Besides got a quick blood test. (Movie OF ULTRASOUND)
Week 14 – General Visit with Doctor.  Dr. sees me very 4 weeks for now.  She went all over all test results with united states (everything was ok!).  She also let united states mind to it'due south heartbeat.
Week 18 – General Visit with Doc.  More blood tests.  Got to mind to it's heartbeat again.
Week xix – Anatomy Ultrasound… it'south a daughter! (PIC OF ULTRASOUND)
I as well institute out during this time that I currently accept Placenta Previa, this is when where the placenta lies depression in the uterus and partially or completely covers the cervix.  Right at present I'm partially roofing the cervix.   Pressure on the placenta can cause internal bleeding  so I'k on a few restrictions – watching what I lift and no sexual activeness for x weeks.  Although I freaked out a scrap when they told me well-nigh this (and even more when the Doctor then called me at home to hash out more than) because they said if the placenta does non motility I will need a C-Department, I accept calmed down a bit after talking to some other Moms online and in yoga course.  None the less,  I'm following the doctors orders because when they mention words like "internal bleeding" and "peradventure fatal" you should probably listen.  I go back at Week 29 for a followup ultrasound to see if the placenta has moved and then to discuss where this volition leave u.s. in terms of delivery.  Fingers crossed.
Week twenty – Followup with Maternal Fetal Specialist from a year agone, was kind of a waste material of time.  Specialist didn't really know why Doctor sent me.  I didn't either.


Eventually I will do a "How much does information technology cost?" to have a babe postal service and list my appointment visit fees because the price of American healthcare is insane.

Apartment Living / Where's the Baby Going to Live?
Ok then we're having a baby but where'due south it going to slumber? Where'due south information technology going to live?  Where am I going to store it's beautiful printed onesies and colorful socks at?  Where the heck is a stroller going to go? These are all questions we asked ourselves.


Nosotros live in a loft infinite where over the years nosotros turned into sections.   We tore downwards a storage closet/room and moved my desk-bound/shooting area out and completely made i side of our apartment a complete dusty mess while we build the infant a nursery.


Matthew is in heaven – he loves construction and edifice.   I'one thousand excited for the nursery but I'm kinda over living with dusty floors and not existence able to hands shoot pictures for recipes.  Good news – information technology'south almost done!


How's Dad Doing
I asked Matthew how the first 20 weeks were for him.  "Every twenty-four hours was a mystery, expectations were loftier because this was all brand new.  Nosotros started planning large term changes in the apartment.  I was excited to start construction.  Pamela was less excited to first the mess.  I felt excited, I started to think near all the things I could practice with this bugger."  Thanks Matthew.

Well that'due south it for at present… Stay tuned for Week 20-thirty in a few weeks!

Update: I had a baby! Here'southward my birth story.
